React Lifecycle in 4 Minutes
Mastering the React lifecycle is the first step to debugging like a pro.
Here’s an easy 4-minute guide.
What Is the React Component Lifecycle?
A React component is like a human being. Born, evolve, and die. React components follow a lifecycle: they’re born (mounting), they update, and then they die (unmounting).
- Mounting: React creates the component and adds it to the DOM.
- Updating: The component changes in response to state changes.
- Unmounting: React removes the component and cleans up resources.
Why Do You Need To Understand React Component Lifecycle?
Understanding the React lifecycle helps you write better effects with useEffect
and useLayoutEffect
, avoid inefficiencies, prevent memory leaks, and optimize performance.
The Three Phases of the React Component Lifecycle
1. Mounting: When a Component Is First Rendered
Mounting occurs when React adds a component to the screen. Triggered by root.render(<MyComponent />)
or when React adds a component to the JSX tree.
Mounting process: Render, Insert DOM Nodes, Set DOM Refs, Run useLayoutEffect
, DOM Paint, Run useEffect
2. Updating: When a Component Re-Renders
Updating happens when React re-renders a component to reflect changes. Triggered by state updates, context changes, parent re-rendering, etc.
Updating process: Re-render, Reconciliation, Commit Changes, Unset DOM Refs, Cleanup useLayoutEffect
, Set DOM Refs, Run useLayoutEffect
, Paint the DOM, Cleanup useEffect
, Run useEffect
3. Unmounting: When React Removes a Component
Unmounting occurs when React removes a component from the DOM. Triggered when a component is no longer in the JSX tree, parent unmounts, or the component’s key changes.
Unmounting process: Run Cleanup Functions, Unset DOM Refs, Remove DOM Nodes.
Additional Resources To Go Further
- React Docs
- Timeline of a React Component With Hooks
- Why React Re-Renders
- A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior
Three phases: mounting, updating, and unmounting. unmounting.
Start practicing these concepts with real-world examples:
- Use useLayoutEffect for DOM measurements.
- Always clean up effects when a component unmounts.
You’ve got this 💪.